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This guide shows you how to quickly integrate Rezolve AI into your existing Point SDK setup. By the end of this section, you’ll be able to send a message to the Rezolve AI and receive a streaming response on both iOS and Android.


  • Rezolve AI Account: You must have an account to access the Rezolve Commerce Brain. To learn more or sign up, visit Rezolve’s website.
  • Integration Activated in Canvas: Ensure the Rezolve AI integration is enabled in Canvas. Check the Rezolve AI Integration documentation for more details.
  • Point SDK properly set up in your project
  • iOS 15.0+ or Android API Level 26+
  • Project ID (API key) already configured in the Point SDK’s global config

1. Initialise the Point SDK

Swift (iOS)

// iOS: Import the Point SDK and initialize
BDLocationManager.instance().initialize(projectID: "YourProjectID)

Kotlin (Android)

// Import the Point SDK and initialize

2. Create a New Chat Session

Once initialized, you can create a new chat session via the brainAI object. This session is where you’ll send messages and receive real-time responses.

Swift (iOS)

let chat = BDLocationManager.instance().brainAI.createNewChat()
// The chat object comes with a unique sessionID (e.g., urn:uuid:...)

Kotlin (Android)

val brainAI = ServiceManager.getInstance(context).brainAI
val chat = brainAI?.createNewChat()

3. Send a Message and Receive Streaming Responses

Messages sent to the Rezolve AI return a stream of responses. Depending on your platform, you can handle these asynchronously using Swift’s async/await or Kotlin coroutines.

Swift (iOS)

do {
let stream = try await chat.sendMessage("Tell me about my nearest store")
for try await response in stream {
// Each chunk in the response stream
print("Received chunk: \(response.response)")
} catch {
// Handle errors

Kotlin (Android)

launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
chat?.sendMessage("Tell me about my nearest store")?.forEach { chunk ->
println("Received chunk: ${chunk.response}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle errors

Next Steps

  • iOS Guide: Explore session management details, alternative callback patterns, and best practices.
  • Android Guide: Delve into coroutines, Java support, and deeper integration examples.
  • Reference: See the complete set of classes (e.g., BrainAI, Chat, StreamingResponseDto) and their properties.